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Easter is a time of celebration and that calls for cake!

Easter is all about three things; family, friends, and food! Okay, so it’s not just about these things, but they play an important part in our Easter celebrations. Whether you celebrate

Foulger’s Dairy acquires well known Suffolk & Norfolk delivery service!

Milk and groceries delivered direct to the door has been a tradition for centuries in the UK, and perfectly epitomised by the excellent services provided by Cundy’s Dairy for many

Is it time to go back to fresh milk in glass bottles?

A lot of our customers tell us that their favourite part of drinking the milk we deliver is that they get to pour it into their glass from ‘old-fashioned’ glass bottles. It reminds you of simpler times when you could find a moment of peace and joy in a cold beverage. Our glass bottling isn’t just a marketing ploy or branding strategy, it’s just another example of our dedication to tradition and sustainability.

Foulgers are proud to support local producers!

When you purchase locally sourced products you’re providing a market for local producers where they can get a fair price. Most local food producers are small or ‘micro’ businesses (less than 10 staff) which can’t, at least at the start, distribute more widely. So local food can help existing and new businesses to grow and bring new products to market too.

World School Milk Day

World School Milk Day is held all over the world on the last Wednesday of September every year to celebrate the benefits and success of school milk programmes. The first World

Milk is not just for breakfast…

We are continually fascinated with all things milk related so imagine our surprise and delight at coming across several articles online with some interesting and unusual uses other than pouring

Strawberries & Cream – Order of the day for Wimbledon this summer

In all of tennis, no name gets more recognition than Wimbledon. It’s the iconic location, the place where the first tournaments were held, and still the most recognized of all the Grand Slam events.

BBQ Season is here!

Spring is finally starting to bring the warm & sunny weather and this can only mean it’s BBQ time!

Did you know that as well as stocking dairy, bakery and many household essentials, we also have a great range of barbecue supplies to ensure that you’re summer ready whenever the mood takes you!

Make your Easter Sunday celebration one to remember!

Make your Easter Sunday celebration one to remember! If you are planning a big family celebration dinner over the Easter weekend, don’t forget we also have a great range of

Lighter evenings, Mother’s Day and Easter will all be here soon!

Doesn’t time fly! What a busy few weeks we have ahead, with Mother’s Day on the 26th March and Easter just around the corner in April too!

Mother’s Day falls on March 26th this year and there’s plenty of advice and resources around on how to make your Mum’s day special.

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